
WIQMJ, Life, Career Broke Black Bougie WIQMJ, Life, Career Broke Black Bougie

Making it on Less: Toxic job reviews

This essay explores the challenges of job hunting in 2024's tough market. The author shares their personal journey of leaving a problematic job and searching for better opportunities, detailing a multi-step interview process with a nonprofit that ultimately led nowhere. The essay highlights red flags encountered during the search, including unprofessional conduct during interviews and a lack of follow-up from employers.

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Life, Black Consciousness Broke Black Bougie Life, Black Consciousness Broke Black Bougie

Buying Freedom or Buying In? The Rise of Black Capitalism in America

Black Capitalism has increasingly been recognized as a potential economic growth and empowerment strategy in African American communities. However, its ability to fully address systemic racial economic disparities remains questionable. This essay explores the complex relationship between Black Capitalism and racial justice by analyzing two key historical eras: the Freedmen's Bureau period following the Civil War and the transformative Nixon years between 1969 and 1974.

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Life Broke Black Bougie Life Broke Black Bougie

The Strength in Rest: Why Rest is Vital for Black Women

Black women have exhibited throughout history in taking on extensive responsibilities and battling inequality, often at a cost to their own health. Let’s talk purposeful rest is a radical act of self-care for Black women, allowing vital recharging and reconnection with self.

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